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Fire Fighters Ministry
"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not kow his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit -- fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. This is my command: Love each other." (Jesus speaking in the gospel of John 15:13-17). | |||||||||||||||||
FIREHOUSE.COM http://www.firehouse.com/ FIREFIGHTING.COM http://www.firefighting.com/ INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIREFIGHTERS http://www.iaff.org/ NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION http://www.nfpa.org/
Firefighters CreedWhen I'm called to duty God, Wherever flames may rage Give me strength to save a life Whatever be it's age Help me to embrace a little child Before it is to late Or save an older person from The horror of that fate Enable me to be alert To hear the weakest shout And quickly and efficiently To put the fire out I want to fill my calling and To give the best in me To guard my neighbor and Protect his property And if according to your will I have to lose my life Bless with your protecting hand My children and my wife
NATIONAL FALLEN FIREFIGHTERS FOUNDATION http://www.firehero.org/ NATIONAL FALLEN FIREFIGHTERS CHAPEL http://www.firehero.org/index1.aspx?BD=7702 NATIONAL FALLEN FIREFIGHTERS MONUMENT http://www.firehero.org/index1.aspx?BD=7703
Women in the Fire Service, Inc. http://www.wfsi.org/index.php http://www.geocities.com/fire8133/
I promise concern for others.
Fireman's Wife
The table's set, The meal's prepared, Our guests will soon arrive. My husband once more disappears with a hope of keeping a child alive While waiting at home again alone, Our plans having gone awry My first impulse is merely to sit down and cry. But soon again I realize the importance of my life When I agreed to take on the duties of being a fireman's wife While there are many drawbacks, I'll take them in my stride The gusting winds and raging flames may be his final fate, But with God's help I can remain my fireman's faithful mate.
A Fireman's SonMY DAD'S A FIREMAN, and proud am I, indeed, |
FIRE SERVICE POEMS http://poems.avfd.com/
National Fallen Firefighters Chapel
National Fallen Firefighters Monument
I Wish You Could
The Brotherhood
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THE CREATION OF THE FIREFIGHTER When the Lord was creating Firefighters, he was into his sixth day of overtime when an angel appeared and said, "Your doing a lot of fiddling around on this one." And the Lord said "Have you read the specification of this person? Firefighters have to be able to go for hours fighting fires or tending to a person that the usual every day person would never touch, while putting in the back of their mind the circumstances. They have to be able to move at a second's notice and not think twice of what they are about to do, no matter what danger. They have to be in top physical condition at all times, running on half-eaten meals, and they must have six pairs of hands." "It's not the hands that are causing me problems," said the Lord, "it's the three pairs of eyes a Firefighter has to have." "That's on the standard model?" asked the angel.The Lord nodded. "One pair that sees through the fire and where they and their fellow Firefighters should fight the fire next. Another pair here in the side of the head to see their fellow Firefighters and keep them safe. And another pair of eyes in the front so that they can look for the victims caught in the fire that need their help." "Lord" said the angel, touching his sleeve, "Rest and work on this tomorrow.""I can't, said the Lord, "I already have a model that can carry a 250 pound man down a flight of stairs and to safety from a burning building, and can feed a family of five on a civil service paycheck." The angel circled the model of the Firefighter very slowly, "Can it think?" "You bet," said the Lord. "It can tell you the elements of a hundred fires; and can recite procedures in their sleep that are needed to care for a person until they reach the hospital. And all the while they have to keep their wits about themselves. This Firefighter also has phenomenal personal control. They can deal with a scene full of pain and hurt, coaxing a child's mother into letting go of the child so that they can care for the child in need. And still they rarely get the recognition for a job well done from anybody, other than from fellow Firefighters." Finally, the angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek of the Firefighter. "There's a leak", she pronounced. "Lord, it's a tear. What's the tear for?" asked the angel. "It's a tear from bottled-up emotions for fallen comrades. A tear for commitment to that funny piece of cloth called the American Flag. It's a tear for all the pain and suffering they have encountered. And it's a tear for their commitment to caring for and saving lives of their fellow man!" "What a wonderful feature Lord, you're a genius" said the angel. 'No," said the Lord, "I didn't put it there!" I Guess that's why we hear people say, after responding to a call
"Thank GOD for Firefighters" |
FEDERATION OF FIRE CHAPLAINS http://firechaplains.org/index.html
U.S. FIRE ADMINISTRATION WEBSTIE http://www.usfa.fema.gov/index.shtm
THE PHEONIX SITE FOR INJURED FIREFIGHTERS http://members.aol.com/NitSkyFire/ThePhoenix.html
FIREHOUSE.COM http://www.firehouse.com/
The History of Calling 9-1-1FFRS Associate -- Missouri, USAHow does someone summon firefighters to battle a blaze? They locate a phone and dial 9-1-1, but it wasn’t always possible to do this.For many years someone screamed “Fire!” and bystanders responded. Then night watchmen and town criers on duty sounded the alarm. Often church bells or the bells of the town hall building would chime to alert the community to an emergency.In 1852, the first fire alarm telegraph system was installed in Boston. Invented by William F. Channing, the system consisted of three box circuits, forty boxes, sixteen alarm bells and a crude central office apparatus. John Nelson Gamewell envisioned the potential fire alarm boxes had and in a short time cornered 95% of the market for the alarm systems. To reduce false alarms many communities locked the fireboxes. Nearby merchants or residents held keys to the boxes. Valuable time was wasted while the key was located. In 1875, Charles Tooker tried to address this difficulty. He patented a “keyless” fire alarm box, which rang a loud bell when the door was opened. However, using this box required a two-step process. Opening the box and then pulling the hook located inside to transmit the alarm. In the heat of the moment many people mistook the sound emitted when they opened the door as all that was needed to communicate a fire existed. Thus, many lives and buildings were lost due to this false assumption.The invention of the telephone in 1876 created a new avenue for communication. As time progressed each community issued a separate seven-digit phone number for the public service agencies including the police, fire department and local hospital. In some metropolitan areas there might be over 200 numbers for public agencies. Frequently, people simply dialed “0” to contact the operator but confusion often caused delays as the operator sought to contact the appropriate agency.In 1963, Perry Township Volunteer Fire Chief Conway was frustrated when the nearby Evansville, Indiana Fire Department received a call that the volunteer fire department was ready and able to perform. At that time in his area the telephone operators simply directed all calls to the Evansville Fire Department. Conway wanted to make everyone aware of the services of the Perry Township Volunteer Fire Department. He devised pressure-sensitive red fluorescent stickers with the emergency number for the fire department. These labels fit in telephone cradles. These were distributed to all residents and businesses in Perry Township. From then on the Perry Fire Department never failed to receive an alarm. Neighboring volunteer fire departments heard about the stickers and ordered their own. Soon Conway was advertising them in state and national fire publications. Orders poured in.A universal phone number for emergencies was a concept that originated in Europe. In 1958, Congress requested a universal emergency phone number. Finally, in 1967, the United States the President’s Commission of Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice provided a recommendation for a universal emergency number. In 1968, The American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT & T) announced that 9-1-1 was available as a national emergency number. Emergency calls would no longer be answered by telephone operators but would be transferred to public safety agencies.9-1-1 was developed to increase public access to the police, fire and medical emergency services. Local governments began implementing the use of 9-1-1 in 1968. The communities worked with their telephone companies to establish the use of the emergency number in their area.The first 9-1-1 call was made in 1968 in Haleyville, Alabama one week after the United States Congress authorized 9-1-1 as the national emergency number. Bob Gallagher, President of the Alabama Telephone Company stated, “My father, John Gallagher, was Fire Chief in Huntington, WV in 1968. He was the motivation for my desire to be first.” Haleyville, a community of 4,500 residents, was selected by the small independent phone company because its existing equipment could be more easily converted to serve the emergency line. Robert Fitzgerald, an inside plant manager for this company, designed the circuitry for the first 911 system and participated in its installation. According to Gallagher, Bill Frey served as the local manager of the Haleyville office in 1968 but he was not involved in any part of the 911 conversion. Gallagher made all the arrangements with the officials for the first call. On February 16, 1968, Rankin Fite, the Alabama Speaker of the House made a 9-1-1 call to U. S. Representative Tom Bevill. Bevill picked up the bright red phone at the police station and answered the call. The two greeted each other, hung up and “had coffee and doughnuts.”Within three years, the first city to undertake the use of 9-1-1 was New York City. In 1972, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recommended that 9-1-1 should be put into operation nationwide. While 9-1-1 was a phone number available nationwide individual communities responded to it. Until a community supervised 9-1-1 in their area the use of the number was unavailable. In 1977, 600 systems were using 9-1-1 and nearly 100 new services were being added annually. However, the majority of the residents with access to 9-1-1 lived in urban areas and only 30% of the total U.S. population could summon help by dialing 9-1-1. In 1994, 75% of the population could dial 9-1-1 to seek help.The goal now is to provide enhanced 9-1-1 service. Enhanced service determines the telephone number and location of the caller. The first community with a fully enhanced 9-1-1 system was in Orange County, Florida. Their service was in operation in 1980. |
Web Page: FIRE FIGHTERS MINISTRY At: 'Women of Ministry / Women of Faith' INTERNATIIOAL |
Rev. Lin McGee Pastor.Lin.McGee@gmail.com
111 Marshall St. Winsted, CT 06098 Phone 860-379-1298
Please visit me on my other websites:
Precious Stars www.PreciousStars.com
Faith and Life Ministries www.FaithandLifeMinistriesInternational.com
On the websites of those I am affiliated with:
Patriot Guard Riders www.PatriotGuard.org
Connecticut Patriot Guard Riders www.ctpatriotguard.org
Missing In America Project www.MIAP.us
VA Voluntary Service http://www.volunteer.va.gov/
Military Ministry http://www.militaryministry.org/
Christian Military Fellowship http://cmf.com/
Post #296 VFW Ladies Auxiliary www.vfwpost296ladiesaux.com
Marine Corps League Auxiliary http://mcldeptct.org/pages/mcl_ct_auxiliary.html
American Soldier Memorial Project http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AmericanSoldierMemorial
No Soldier Left Behind Memorial http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NoSoldierLeftBehindMemorial/
JESUS My Lord and Savior Church www.JesusMyLordandSaviorChurch.com
Men Walking With God www.MenWalkingWithGod.com/
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