

Stormy Moon Farm producer of natural goat milk soap

Stormy Moon Vocational Development Farm

"A hand up is better than a hand out."


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Welcome to Stormy Moon Farm

Offering all natural handmade goat milk soaps. Goat milk soap is excellent for sensitive skin with its gentle and natural moisturizing properties. We have both unscented soaps and soaps that are scented with essential oils. All bars are individually hand wrapped and would make a great Stormy Moon Farm - Free Shipping gift for that someone special. Free Shipping is included on all our soaps. We are now offering discounts for Military Personnel.

What's New

  • We have expand our product line. More details to come.
  • We are pleased to announce our decision to hold a monthy raffle. Click here for more details.

Mission Statement

The Stormy Moon Farm mission is to provide an economically viable goal-oriented, comprehensive program that provides vocational and social support services to individuals with disabilities in order to enrich their quality of life and maximize their life skills and experience at work, and in the community.

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Platform on Vocational Issues:

  • We support the development of integrated vocational training and work opportunities for people with disabilities as an alternative to sheltered workshop placement.
  • We urge all public agencies responsible for certifying or funding vocational services to develop incentives to service providers to create integrated vocational jobs.
  • We call on all vocational service providers to incorporate principles of normalization in all aspects of program design and operation. Specifically, we urge that programs provide opportunities for social integration as well as physical integration in normal environments.
  • We support an immediate moratorium on the expansion of sheltered workshop space in this community, in conjunction with an expansion of integrated work and vocational opportunities. We believe that the continual expansion of sheltered workshop space serves as a strong disincentive to develop innovative alternatives and to place people with disabilities in appropriate work and vocational settings.
  • We support active consumer involvement in all aspects of the design, operation, and monitoring of vocational services.
  • We urge public agencies, private service providers, consumers, and concerned citizens, including leaders in industry, to cooperate in the development of a long-term plan for the creation of integrated work and vocational opportunities in the community.


Web Page:


At: 'Women of Ministry / Women of Faith'   INTERNATIIOAL 





Rev. Lin McGee    Pastor.Lin.McGee@gmail.com       

111 Marshall St.   Winsted, CT   06098       Phone 860-379-1298



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Please visit me on my other websites:

Precious Stars  www.PreciousStars.com

Faith and Life Ministries  www.FaithandLifeMinistriesInternational.com


On the websites of those I am affiliated with:

Patriot Guard Riders    www.PatriotGuard.org

Connecticut Patriot Guard Riders   www.ctpatriotguard.org 

Missing In America Project  www.MIAP.us

VA Voluntary Service  http://www.volunteer.va.gov/

Military Ministry  http://www.militaryministry.org/

Christian Military Fellowship  http://cmf.com/ 

Post #296 VFW Ladies Auxiliary   www.vfwpost296ladiesaux.com

Marine Corps League Auxiliary  http://mcldeptct.org/pages/mcl_ct_auxiliary.html

American Soldier Memorial Project http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AmericanSoldierMemorial

  No Soldier Left Behind  Memorial    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NoSoldierLeftBehindMemorial/


On my husband's websites:

JESUS My Lord and Savior Church www.JesusMyLordandSaviorChurch.com  

Men Walking With God  www.MenWalkingWithGod.com/ 



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