Native American Ministry
As we walk the sacred paths of life, may we learn from our elders how close we must be to our Creator God, how much we belong to His Spirit of Life, and how much we must respect all that He has given in the name of love. I pray we may bring one another closer to this each day ~ helping and guiding one another as we go. In Christian love, Rain (Pastor Lin)
O' Great Spirit Whose voice I hear in the winds Hear me! I am small and weak, Let me walk in beauty Make my hands respect To hear your voice Make me wise Let me learn Not to be greater then my brother, Myself Make me always ready to come to you So when life fades, as the fading sunset, Without shame. Life has as many twists and turns as there There is always someone ready to be of help if we only ask. ~~ author unknown ~~
By: LoneStarLady I met a man of many colors "Oh child" this man he says to me, I sat down beside this man He looks at me with such sad eyes. For his hands were different colors "I am the father of the world. For when they do not get along My hands of red and white For they argue far too much, So here I sit in this haven
Click the Links Below for Sue's Ministry
Exactly What is "The Jesus List Ministry" Jesus Wept~A Journey with Sue~Music & Bible Stories My Web Pages~By Screen Names~"Sue" Hey Mom, guess what I got?~God's Blessings~ Sue's Jesus List Home Page~All About this Ministry Mighty Warriors For Jesus Home Pg Daily Mailing Page to the Jesus List Harvestime Bible Study Lessons ~Spiritual Warfare Bible Study Home Page~The Last Days Christian & Native Stories I've Written~ by "Sue" Native Nations Path of Truth Home Page A Cherokee For Jesus~Amazing Grace in Cherokee "I Am A Christian~Spoken Message~By.."Sue"
Look for me in the New World! I love You All..."Sue"
National Native American Veterans Association"The Voice of the Native American Veteran"
Index of Native American Organizations
~~ ADOPT AN ELDER PROGRAM ~~ I Want To Thank Little Grey Hourse from Mountain Woods for allowing us to post this beautiful page she made for the Apopt An Elder Program. Thank you Little Grey House; Blessings to you and your ministry, Pastor LIN
Native American Twelve Days of Christmas author unknown Gather round children and let us teach you a song that helps us to remember the sacred things of our Grandfather and the reasons that He came to walk our Land, clothed in Red Dirt. We are excited to learn the things He accomplished for us, among us, and through us. We are most excited that all the ways we have walked before now pointed us to this moment, when we mere humans would be able to walk as sons of the Most Holy One. On the First day of Christmas, Grandfather gave to me..... an Eagle sitting on a cedar tree? (Remember children, the eagle climbs the highest and takes our prayers to the High places, and the eagle is Jesus, the One who was able also to climb to the heavenlies once and for all, to take our prayers, He is the Intercessor for all men) On the second day of Christmas, Grandfather gave to me ~ two wise owls (remember children that the owls represent both death and sacred messages from the Holy places and in this song they represent the Old testament and the New both law that brought death and mercy that brought life and spiritual wisdom) On the third day of Christmas, Grandfather gave to me.... three sacred drums (for the drums beat out the sound of our Mother Earth while we pray to the Grandfather.. so as you hear them beat, remember we now know that there is faith, hope and love in The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit) On the fourth day of Christmas, Grandfather gave to me..... four talking feathers (for the feathers remind us that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were given the talking feather by the Grandfather Himself, to tell His story to us all) On the fifth day of Christmas, Grandfather gave to me..... five prayer ties (for we must remember that the law did not vanish and though we live by grace, there is a law to be followed and we humbly submit to that law, in offering our prayers to the Holy One) On the sixth day of Christmas, Grandfather gave to me... six hawks a laying (for we celebrate the creation of our mother earth, and thank Him for giving us all life, through our prayers, often using the feathers of this creature to smudge ourselves in preparation of that prayer time) On the seventh day of Christmas, Grandfather gave to me... seven stones for sweat lodge (For we must remember the gifts of the Spirit are seven fold, and we learn how to walk in these gifts through our fear and awe of our God, we do this praying in our lodges) On the eighth day of Christmas, Grandfather gave to me... eight great buffalo (for we want to remember the beatitudes, the blessings Jesus promised to come to His people, The buffalo represent His provision for our health, our very existence, as did the blessings He invoked on the people, the meek, those who weep, the poor? all people have provision in Him) On the ninth day of Christmas, Grandfather gave to me? nine precious elders (for as we sit at the feet of our elders we hear how we can walk in the fruits of the Holy Spirit, they have always taught these truths, we just didn't know that they were the same truths taught by the talking leaves the white men brought to us) On the tenth day of Christmas, Grandfather gave to me... ten eagle dancers (for our eagle dancers dance for the people, to protect the people, to keep the people in wholeness, and wellness.. as the ten commandments were also set to keep the people whole, to protect them from their own evil thoughts.) On the eleventh day of Christmas, Grandfather gave to me? eleven braids of sweet grass ( for as we send the smell of sweet grass to the heavenlies, it invites those of the realm of the Grandfather , to enter into our world to help us? in this we remember the faithful eleven who stood ready to help our Savior, ready to do His will and work.. so it is with those we invite to help us, if sent by Jesus.) On the twelfth day of Christmas, Grandfather gave to me? twelve drummers singing (for the drums He gave on the third day can not help us to pray if they do not have four drummers each to beat out the heartbeat of the earth and its people to our God? and when natives are on the drum, we call it singing, because it is much more than just drumming...) Merry Christmas to all my relations! DA NI S DA YO HI HV~A DA DO LI GI DI NA DA NV TLI~A LE ~ V GI DO
Web Page: NATIVE AMERICAN MINISTRY At: 'Women of Ministry / Women of Faith' INTERNATIIOAL |
Rev. Lin McGee
111 Marshall St. Winsted, CT 06098 Phone 860-379-1298
Please visit me on my other websites:
Precious Stars
Faith and Life Ministries
On the websites of those I am affiliated with:
Patriot Guard Riders
Connecticut Patriot Guard Riders
Missing In America Project
VA Voluntary Service
Military Ministry
Christian Military Fellowship
Post #296 VFW Ladies Auxiliary
Marine Corps League Auxiliary
American Soldier Memorial Project
No Soldier Left Behind Memorial
JESUS My Lord and Savior Church
Men Walking With God
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