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Dear Thea,
I would be glad to give you another permission.  You are very welcomed to post the Coffee Break where ever you would like.  Thank you for sharing the devotional with others.  In this way we are working together to help spread God's word around the world.
Thank you for all you do for our wonderful Lord.
Love and blessings,
----- Original Message -----
From: Thea
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 6:18 PM
Subject: Re: Coffee Break - Stretch

Dear Lorraine,
About a month ago you gave me permission to share the 'Coffee Break' devotions with my MSN Christian Groups.   Well, I accidently deleted your reply.  I need another 'permission to share' message from you to post on a PermissionsDevo board at my site and other sites.  Please.  I would also like to share these devotions at my one and only Yahoo group, if I may.
I am very careful to leave the complete content of your messages intact as I share, giving credit where credit is due.
Thank you for sharing!
Blessings, Thea 
---- Original Message -----

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